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Unveiling the Bulkiest Battle Royale Attires: The Top 10 Thiccest Fortnite Skins of All Time

Unveiling the Bulkiest Battle Royale Attires: The Top 10 Thiccest Fortnite Skins of All Time

Since its launch in 2017, Fortnite has taken the gaming world by storm. The battle royale game features unique gameplay elements such as building structures and destructible environments, and its colorful and cartoonish graphics have captivated gamers of all ages. However, one of the most enticing aspects of Fortnite is its vast collection of skins or costumes for players to use.

In this article, we will be unveiling the bulkiest battle royale attires in the game: the top 10 thiccest Fortnite skins of all time. From the heavily armored soldiers to the bulky beast machines, these skins are guaranteed to make a statement on the battlefield!

If you're a fan of Fortnite, or even just a lover of great character design, this article is sure to pique your interest. So sit back, relax, and get ready to delve into the world of the thicc skins of Fortnite as we count down the top 10 beefiest and most bad-ass designs of all time.

Whether you're looking to intimidate your opponents with your size or just want a skin that screams I mean business, these skins are definitely worth checking out. So without further ado, let's take a closer look at the top 10 thiccest skins in Fortnite.

Top 10 Thiccest Fortnite Skins
"Top 10 Thiccest Fortnite Skins" ~ bbaz


Battle royale games have always offered a diverse range of skins to keep the players engaged. The skins in Fortnite are no exception, and since its inception, the game has seen some incredibly bulky skins that have received immense love from the fans. In this article, we unveil the top 10 thiccest Fortnite skins of all time.

The Criteria

Before we begin, it is important to understand the criteria we have used to rank these skins. The criteria include - overall size, aesthetics, uniqueness, and availability.

Comparison Table

Skin Overall Size Aesthetics Uniqueness Availability
Guff 5/5 4/5 3/5 5/5
Rex 4/5 5/5 4/5 5/5
Brute Gunner 5/5 4/5 4/5 2/5
Eternal Voyager 4/5 5/5 5/5 3/5
Trog 5/5 2/5 4/5 4/5
Peely Bone 4/5 5/5 5/5 2/5
Chaos Agent 3/5 5/5 5/5 5/5
The Brat 3/5 4/5 4/5 4/5
Bandolette 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5
Balloon Llama 5/5 4/5 5/5 1/5


Guff, the furry abominable snowman, is a top pick when it comes to bulky Fortnite skins. His overall size and massive hands are enough to earn him the top spot on our list. With a perfect blend of goofy and cool visuals, Guff is a treat to play with.


Rex is a fun and fierce dinosaur skin that has been a fan favorite for quite some time. The oversized head and tail lend a unique feel to this skin, making it stand out from the others. With sharp teeth and claws, Rex is sure to intimidate his opponents.

Brute Gunner

The Brute Gunner has a robotic look and a massive frame that makes it one of the thiccest skins in the game. Unfortunately, it's not very common in the game's store, which puts a dent in its availability score.

Eternal Voyager

Coming in at number four, the Eternal Voyager is an extraterrestrial entity that boasts a captivating design with glowing lights and an ethereal aura. Its only downside is that it's not widely available, which likely hinders its popularity.


Trog is a bulky humanoid creature that wields a large hatchet. This skin has its set of fans who love its quirky visuals, but not everyone appreciates its oversized body and unwieldy appearance.

Peely Bone

Peely bone is a skeleton version of the ever-popular Peely skin. It's one of the bulkier skins in the game with a unique skeletal aesthetic that sets it apart from the other skins.

Chaos Agent

Chaos Agent is a mysterious figure that exudes alluring visuals and a menacing presence. With its bulky figure and a sinister vibe, he is one of the thiccest skins in Fortnite without a doubt.

The Brat

The Brat is a rebellious female character that has an oversized hoodie and pants. It's a popular skin among the gamers who love the cool but casual look it offers. While not as bulky as some others on this list, its design helps elevate it to make it a match for other thicc skins.


Bandolette is a modern-looking female soldier with a bulkier frame than most of the female skins in Fortnite. While not as unique compared to some other thiccest skins on this list, Bandolette is still a great pick if you're looking for a thicker female fighter.

Balloon Llama

Balloon llama takes the cake when it comes to giving off bulky vibes. As the name suggests, it's balloon-shaped, making it the girthiestskin in the game. However, its looks are more comedic than aggressive, so it ranks low on the available skins list.


Fortnite is known for offering some unique skins, from classic movie characters to intergalactic beings, and this list proves that there's something for everyone. These skins range from colossal abominable snowman to a tiny llama-shaped ballooning object, and their appearance is enough to make them stand out. While popularity may be subjective, these skins have gained massive support among the players due to their exceptional aesthetics and overall size.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on Unveiling the Bulkiest Battle Royale Attires: The Top 10 Thiccest Fortnite Skins of All Time. We hope that you found it enjoyable and informative as you explored the world of Fortnite skins.

Whether you're a seasoned gaming enthusiast or just getting started, these top ten skins represent some of the most iconic characters in the game. Each skin has its unique style, personality, and gameplay advantages, making them a popular choice among players from around the world.

As you continue to play Fortnite, we hope that you will take the time to explore all that the game has to offer, including new skins, weapons, and gameplay modes. And, of course, don't forget to share this article with your friends and fellow gamers who are always on the lookout for the latest trends and strategies. Thanks again for visiting our blog!

Here are some commonly asked questions about the bulkiest battle royale attires in Fortnite:

  1. What are the thiccest Fortnite skins of all time?

    The top 10 thiccest Fortnite skins of all time include:

    • Rox
    • Catalyst
    • Sidewinder
    • Crystal
    • Remedy vs. Toxin
    • Beef Boss
    • Peely
    • Brutus
    • Bunker Jonesy
    • Big Chuggus
  2. What makes a skin thicc in Fortnite?

    A skin is considered thicc in Fortnite if it has a large, bulky appearance and takes up a lot of space on the screen.

  3. Are thicc skins more popular in Fortnite?

    Thicc skins are often popular among players who enjoy standing out on the battlefield and having a unique appearance. However, popularity can vary depending on personal preferences.

  4. Do thicc skins provide any advantages in Fortnite gameplay?

    No, thicc skins do not provide any gameplay advantages in Fortnite. They are purely cosmetic and do not affect gameplay mechanics.

  5. Can I still get these thicc Fortnite skins?

    Most of these thicc Fortnite skins were released in past seasons or events, but some may still be available for purchase in the Item Shop.

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